
Reminiscing about 2013

Last night, Jas and the children and I sat down and wrote down our "Memories and Hopes" list.  Memories of 2013, and hopes for 2014.  This was a first for us, I got the idea here (one of my favorite blogs ever).  This was a neat exercise to go through together, and I look forward to it becoming a New Years' Eve tradition for our family.

It was wonderful to look back over the past year, the ups and downs, the work, the play, the good, the bad...and the downright ugly.  But mostly, what we saw was God at work, blessing us, showing us much kindness and favor.

Here are some of the things we wrote down for our 2013 memories:

We started out the year with a bang - our children's Christmas present was taking our first-ever trip to Disney World.

While we were at DW, we found out that our offer had been accepted for our "dream" house in the country.

We closed on the house a few weeks later, and then we worked on it...and then we worked on it more...and then we worked on it some more...and then we worked on it yet. still. more....

But, of course, real life didn't stop (or even slow down) just because we were knee deep in work on the new house.  The children played spring soccer - and for the first time the got to be on same team.

In March, Jas and I celebrated our 17th anniversary.

And it just keeps getting better.  Seriously.

And when the azaleas bloomed at our old house, I got tearful when I realized it was the last time I'd take pictures of the children in front of these azaleas at our old house.

In April, we were so blessed to be able to tag along on Daddy's business trip:

To put it mildly...we enjoyed ourselves.

And then...finally...

In May we moved into that "dream house" out in the country.  We're glad to be here, no doubt about it, but the honeymoon is over, now that we know about all the critters here...and the horrendous internet connection situation!

The arrival of summer meant another annual trip to my parents' timeshare....

...which led Noah to do some really deep thinking

At the very end of August - as his skin got worse and worse before our eyes -  Gabriel began GAPS.  Just a few days later, we all joined in...and it hasn't been going bad at all!

Then, we brought BeBe Grace home.

And - praise the Lord! - we discovered that she dislikes snakes as much as we do!

During the fall soccer season, all four of our kiddos got to play together again, but this time in "the big leagues" - the 10-12 year old division.

And I was finally able to capture proof that our little G-man has rhythm!

Although anyone who knows me in real life already knew how weird I am, I started letting it show more on the blog, by sharing what a Mad scientist I am, and how I leave milk out. on. the. counter.  to make kefir  (and the yummies things you can do with it after you've made it!).  I also shared how I make sauerkraut...and actually like it!

In November, we took family pictures out in our yard.  While I did end up with some keepers (case in point: our new header picture and sidebar pictures)...it wasn't always an easy process:

But then Mr. G redeemed himself when I sat them all down to capture our annual Christmas tree picture:

Wow...what a year.  What a God we serve...and how very blessed we are.

While we do have some ideas on what **we** think should happen in 2014, I rest in the fact that His purposes and plans will prevail...and I wouldn't want it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. Even though I read through these events in real time {and was present} for some of them, I loved reading through this post as an overview of the blessings of the past year. How cool!
    I did, however, have a lump in my throat tho' and almost lost it about half way through.
    love y'all



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