
Science...In the Country

What are these little turkeys up to?  What are they so intent on?

And why - for heaven's sake - is Noah smiling like that???

Well, I reached a new milestone today:  I killed my first snake!

The blow-by-blow:  It was rest-time and we were all inside either napping, reading or working quietly.

BeBe started barking furiously outside.  Daniel went outside to see what was up and came racing to find me and tell me that BeBe had found a snake!  Yikes!  

It was in the carport.  I ran to Jason's workshop to get a shovel (yes, the shovel that was at the other house when Melissa and I so desperately needed it to get that moccasin).

And then I got the snake.

The End.

O.k., yes, there was some squealing (on my part).

O.k, o.k., ...and maybe there was quite a bit of dancing around (on my part) during the proceedings.

And then when **both** parts of the snake started wiggling all over the place...you don't even want to know.

The children were thoroughly amused by all of it.

And then?  I kissed BeBe.  Not. even. kidding.

The children were very thrilled when I told them that yes, they could spend the rest of quiet time "dissecting" the snake.  (A new word for them.)

But me?  I retired back inside.  Thankyouverymuch.

I feel like I was right there, though...because they kept coming inside to keep me updated.

Lily Kay:  We are looking inside.  It is AWESOME!

Daniel: We found its lungs and its heart.  Can we pleeeeeeeease keep it????

Noah:  It's kind of gross...but really cool.

Actually, I consider this quite an answer to prayers.  As we were all outside playing four-square right before rest-time (so less than an hour before this incident), and Mr. G toddled around in the grass near us...I wondered to myself about snakes.  And if BeBe would alert us to them.  

She does.  Thank you, Lord....she does!


  1. Only in our area would snakes be crawling in December! :) Glad you have such a wonderful dog!

  2. GOOOOO Bebe!! And goooo Joli!! Do you think God gets a chuckle watching us kill snakes?



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