
Baby Boom - In Numbers

It all started with this precious little girl:

And then came...

Haddi Ruth.

Natalie and Haddi Ruth are the first of 5 children who are in the process of being added to our homeschool group right now.

Actually, that is just the biological children being added to the group.

There are about to be 4 children added to our homeschool group through adoption (including our Lil Man).

And that leads me to our Adoptive Families Group.

Even though we live in a very small town, right next door to another small town (at least that small town has a Walm&rt, though)...there are 7 of us families adopting right now. (We're the only family not adopting from China.)

Those 7 families are - as of right now - bringing home 10 children. (But it wouldn't surprise me if that number increased some more, now that China allows families to adopt two children at once.) That is 9 children from China in the process of coming home to our area.

Robbie and I counted all this up in our heads the other day as we swam with the children: There are currently 12 children from China living in our two little towns. NINE more are coming home right now.

I find that simply. amazing.

That is an increase of 75% in the Chinese children population...and it's all going to happen in the next 6 months.

And while we're the first family in the area to do a transracial domestic adoption...I would love for a trend to start with that also. Oh, make it so, Lord.

Robbie joked that our area should be called "The Adoption Capital of the Southeast". And I totally agree.

And I feel completely blessed to be a part of this miracle that I see going on around us.

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