Lily Kay let me hold her some while we were waiting to be called back...
...but she was mostly too busy playing at our awesome Children's Hospital.The boys stayed behind with Laoli and Papa...but Elisabeth came with us. (After hanging with us all day, and staying long enough to see LK after she came out of surgery, Elisabeth got picked up and stayed the night with our wonderful friends who live in the same city as the hospital. Needless to say, she had a BIG time with Natalie and Neeleigh and their little bro, Aaron. Melissa even brought a wonderful supper for Jas and I to have at the hospital. We are so blessed!)
The Versed (a.k.a. "Sleepy Juice") that makes it easier for children to part from parents to be taken back for surgery didn't take too long to start working on LK!
LK said she was "too big" to ride in a boat like she did last time at the she got to ride back on a stretcher:
And the wait during the last half of the almost 3 hour surgery that was supposed to take 1.5 hours? I'm pretty sure it took about 3 years off my life-span!
But our urologist finally came out and gave us all the details. With the most important detail being that the surgery went great!
And a little while (that felt like a long while) later...we finally got to lay eyes on our precious Lily Kay again.
She looked so peaceful when they wheeled her in...
drug-induced sleep will do that to you, I suppose.
But she didn't stay asleep and peaceful for long!
This is taken one hour after the previous picture!
I did not take any pictures of the next few hours that included several bouts of vomiting. Poor thing! She was "so, so fungry"...but couldn't keep anything down for a while.
LK woke up screaming/crying at about 5:20 a.m. the next morning...the caudal block had finally worn off!
But after some IV Tordal, she was soon loving life again.
Doesn't everyone eat purple popsicles and cheerios at 6:04 a.m.???
After her foley catheter was removed and she had more freedom...Lily Kay had a lot of fun checking out all the fun things on our floor
One last quick bite of apple sauce before heading home!
It's seems so surreal that she really just had surgery two days ago...and came home from the hospital yesterday. It already seems like a distant memory.
Things were pretty much back to normal with our routine today. At Lily Kay's request, we did school. (Several times while we were in the hospital, Lily Kay would look at me with wide eyes and say "We forgot to do school!")
We are keeping her medicated, but tapering it down. She has handled this all so well, it just amazes me!
After lunch today, we went outside and played for 2 hours. While she can't ride her beloved bike (which she does not understand)...we have plenty of other riding toys she can use (we've been accused of our carport looking like we run a daycare...guilty!)
And right now? This is what she looks like: Snuggled up in our bed for the second night...where we can keep an eye on her.
I do believe I'll go join her...
Hey! Ellie has that blanket!