
We're home!

She is doing amazingly, wonderfully well.

If I were in her shoes, I would be a crying, blathering mess. This little girl just continues to amaze me...

Thank you so much for your texts, e-mails, comments, FB messages, etc. And thank you so much for your prayers. The Lord has shown Himslef strong and mighty on our precious girls' behalf!

I hope to post some of the cute pics I took of Lily Kay at the hospital later.

Our family was split between three different locations last night...and no one got enough sleep. So "later" might mean "later tonight", or it might mean even "later" than that!


  1. Yay! I am so glad she is doing so well!

    And later-later will be just fine! Get some rest!

  2. Lily Kay....we posted a bloggy card for you!! http://ourchinastarfish.blogspot.com/2010/10/praying-for-lk.html

  3. So happy to hear that she made it through like a trooper. Get some rest!

  4. Glad ya'll are all home and doing well. Post as "later" as you need to. Love ya!



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