
Glad to be on the other side of that

Short version: Everything went "great!" according to our urologist. We're praising the Lord!We're very thankful for our wonderful doctor. And we're praising the Lord for our very brave, very strong, very resilient girl!

Only slightly longer version: The surgery that was supposed to take 1 and 1/2 hours, took almost 3. Ask me how antsy I was by the time our doctor came out to talk with us???

Even though Lily Kay was "so, so fungry" she threw up several times after waking up, so she still wasn't able to eat anything for several hours after she woke up. But after some quick texting to some prayer-partners, and some wonderful anti-nausea medicine...our girl was able to eat a hot dog, green beans, some Apple & Spelt Berry salad, a few cheetos (shhh!), and a few bites of cookie. I told you she liked to eat!

For the first hour after she woke up, she was very drowsy and very quiet - which is highly unlike the normal LK. But after that she really woke up and started putting on a show for all her nurses...she's had us laughing. One nurse has already said "she is too much!"

We agree!

Time to head back to the room: Jas and I are going to share a window seat that is approximately 6 feet long x 2.5 feet wide. I'm good with math...but those numbers just don't work!

Thank you so much for your prayers - I can't tell you how much we appeciated them!


  1. So glad Lily Kay is out of surgery and doing well. Will continue to lift her in prayer as she continues to heal.

    Janet and gang

  2. I am happy to hear the Lily is being such a trooper and things are looking pretty good.

  3. I have been wondering how things went...you didn't text me!! Just kidding! Anyway, we have been so anxious for an update, and I am so glad that things went great! Love ya'll!

  4. We are very happy to hear that the surgery went well and she is doing better now. We have been praying and will continue to pray for her and your family.

    God Bless,
    Lee Ann

  5. I have been gone ALL day to get Morgan an expediated passport so I'm glad I finally, finally got a chance to check and see how that sweet girl is doing!! So glad you made some updates and great to read the news is good!! Prayers that everyone gets some sleep tonight!! Blessings, Jennifer

  6. So glad to hear all went well. Prayed and thought about you guys off and on all day. Chester and I spent a few nights on the lovely window seats. We finally started traveling with our own foam mattress! Love ya!



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