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Lily Kay received the sweetest - and most ingenious - Get-well card yesterday!

You can see it here.

How adorable! How thoughful!

This neat idea belongs to my sweet friend, Jennifer. Our families met about 5 years ago when we traveled in China together - we were adding Noah to our family, they were adopting Reagan. Since then they've also adopted Robyn and Tessa from China.

Now...now they're just about ready to head to Eastern Europe to adopt....(drum roll, please) not one, but two boys!

Oh, boy, is life about to change at their house!

I'm so thankful that Jennifer and I have maintained contact over the years. She lives her faith out loud. An e-mail from Jennifer and/or perusing her blog never fails to bless my heart.

Thank you, Jennifer, for the card for our sweet Lily Kay! We are praying you to Eastern Europe and back as you bring home those precious boys!


  1. OH, what a cool idea! I thought about taking her some pizza rolls. Give hear a kiss from Mrs. Robbie!

  2. Oh...I just saw this! Thanks for the sweet words! :)



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