
Results from "Examination under Sedation"

Short version: She did great...we got great news...we're rejoicing!

Longer version: When I woke LK up just before 5 a.m. this morning, she said "Wha ya doin'?" When I said, "We're going to see Dr. Mercer." LK responded, "We love Dr. Mercer." Yes, we do.

And I suppose we've never had LK out and about before dawn...so when Jas and loaded her up in the car, she pointed to the dark sky and said, "Where's the light?"

She was. a. trooper.

The only time she cried this morning was when they had to stick her (and stick her, and stick her...) to try to draw some blood back in the pre-op area (the Very Conservative Anesthesiologist wanted to check her sodium/potassium, since we think she may be salt-wasting). Side note: she was not supposed to be stuck, at least not while she was awake, so I come off looking like a liar because I'd been telling her "No shots!"...and while I totally appreciate the doctor wanting to be conservative, I do not like lying to my children!

So, aside from that, LK probably thought it was one big party! She made lots of new friends (old friends for the rest of our family...I counted on the way this morning, this was the 12th surgery/procedure we've had there over the past 4.5 years - Noah: 6, Daniel: 5, LK: 1) Everyone was so kind, as usual, and it was like a big reunion...and everyone was as enthalled with our newest addition as we are. She showed off her curiosity, intelligence and humor...and had everyone laughing and eating her up. She was also gifted two stickers, a miniature pillow, and three stuffed animals while we were there. Not a bad haul.

This is how the children get taken back to the operating rooms at our great children's hospital.

After the procedure was over, Dr. Mercer practically came floating through the waiting room to tell me what she'd found. I took that as a good sign.

Drum roll, please:

LK's physiology is such that instead of the at least 2 surgeries we thought she'd require...it appears she'll only need one!

We are praising the Lord for this news right now!

Recovering in the post-op area...with a popsicle and her blanket.

She did good waking up from the anesthesia, although she was drowsy, and she was starving (it had been at least 15 hours since she'd last had any food or drink). After being observed in the post-op area for 1.5 hours, they let us leave. Miss Lily Kay was so funny and loopy as we left that she actually started to argue with me about who got to drive us home. "Me drive - PWEASE!"

All morning, before the procedure, LK was telling anyone who would listen that she wanted a hot dog. So, per the doctor's orders, she and I stopped at a DQ on the way home, and got her a hot dog for lunch...Dr. Mercer said she'd earned it.

The hot dog was doctor's orders (notice she doesn't like buns)...but the blue "ice" is just because she asked nice and I couldn't say no!

By the time we got done eating lunch at DQ, the medicine was pretty well worn off, and LK was back to her crazy, funny self.

Case in point:
Yes, those would be my onion rings on her eyes.

Meanwhile, back at home:
Laoli is out of town for two weeks (the nerve!)...so Jas took the day off work to stay home with our three other little cuties.

I don't know if he was bored - or just jealous of all the attention LK was receiving today - but Jas decided to cut his finger, necessitating an ER visit. When he called me to tell me what happened, he was headed to the ER... with all three cuties in tow. I very nicely suggested that he call Vicki...knowing that she would love to help us out. (O.K., maybe what actually happened was that I said: ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU CAN'T TAKE ALL THREE OF THEM WITH YOU TO THE ER...CALL VICKI, QUICK!)

The verdict: Jas will survive...and they were able to save his finger. JK - they gave him a tetanus shot, some antibiotics, glued his finger shut, and sent him home!

And the kids had a great time with Ava Laurence and Mrs. Vicki while daddy did all that at the ER.

So, for many reasons, we are rejoicing at our house today.

But, as I stop and reflect, I really feel I would be remiss if I didn't add this: Everything turned out good for us today (LK and Jas)...and for that we praise Him. BUT, even if everything had not turned out o.k. today - I would like to think that would still be our response...we would praise Him. Not because of what He's done for us, or what He's given us...but simply because He deserves it. He has taken care of our eternity...He hasn't promised that our time here on earth will be trouble- and pain-free. But He did promise to be right there with us, holding our hand right through whatever we are facing....and that is what matters.

We praise Him.


  1. Wonderful post! Yes, we will praise Him! And I am so glad that things went well for LK and that Jas survived the ER ordeal!

  2. Wonderful news all around...Glad to hear that surgery went well

  3. Praise the Lord!!! Whoooo hooo! Lily Kay, you are an inspiration sweetheart! And ya Mama ain't half bad either! ; ) Just so thankful and love the way the Holy Spirit rolls things out of your mouth, Joli! Love to all of you and tell Jason we'll send some attention his way too! Glad he is ok!

  4. Tears, sweet tears...yes, we praise Him. We have praised Him through the tough times, and we praise Him when the news is good, and we praise Him for He is worthy!

    And, I praise Him for allowing me to know this wonderful family, and Miss Lily Kay!

  5. So glad to hear that everything is going so well for Lily Kay. What a wonderful blessing! Sounds like more than enough proding, poking, doctors, and stress for one day though. I love your testimony and I'm so glad you share it. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. I'm so grateful for a Savior who will walk with me through life and make Eternity a reality.



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