
Kris' Funeral

As I got ready for Kris' funeral yesterday, I just kept thinking, "I can't believe I'm getting ready for her funeral...I should not be getting ready for her funeral. I can't believe I'm getting ready for her funeral..."

As much as I did not want to be there - did not want it to be happening - the funeral was beautiful. Healing.

Our friend Arica commented later that is was wonderful that there was laughter. So fitting. Kris would love that. She was always making us laugh. And only at a funeral where Christ and His love and His hope filled the room (and everyone's hearts) could there be laughter.

Kris told me a couple months ago that this song was her "anthem." I've listened to little else on my computer since then...

It was not the healing that we would have chosen, but Christ indeed healed Kris.


  1. It was the most encouraging Going Home service I have ever attended. It was indeed healing.

  2. Sweet friend,

    I will hold you close in prayer and your special friend's family, too.

    Hugs from across the miles,
    janet and gang



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