
The Time When Kris Called The Cops On Us

I want to close out my posts about my beloved Kris by sharing a funny story, the one about "The Time When Kris called the Cops on Us"...

Six of us friends (all homeschooling mamas celebrating the end of the school year!) went on a girls' over-night trip. The Plan was to stay at the house my dad was renting in a nearby state - he stayed there during the week while working in that town for a while. We arrived in town late that Friday night, and went straight to Mellow Mushroom to eat. While there, I realized (much to my horror!) that I had forgotten to bring the key - ACHHH! After some frantic phone calls with my parents, we went ahead and drove to the house hoping to find a hide-a-key. The six of us stumbled around in the dark looking under rocks and such, laughing the whole time.

Then Kris had the great idea to call the police, to have them let us in (like when police help you get into your car that you've locked yourself out of). In retrospect it seems crazy that we thought they'd help us with this, but at the time, Kris - ever our Fearless Leader - had us totally convinced of the wisdom of this plan....

But the police apparently don't let you into houses when they don't belong to you, or even to your parents (my dad was renting, remember). But they certainly did send a squad car with two police officers to check out the 6 crazy women (and one nursing baby) that were wandering about this house at midnight.

Thankfully the police officers ascertained pretty quickly that we weren't criminal (unless crazy and slap-happy are illegal). (Precious little Lillianna might have helped our credibility.) The officers even called my parents and let me talk with them...and then they hung out and chatted with us for a while. I'm sure they had fun telling their buddies about the Encounter With The Dangerous Homeschooling Mamas (and baby) they'd had that evening!

Anyway, we ended up not staying at dad's rental house...and this picture, taken at approximately 2 in the morning at a nearby hotel (at my expense, thankyouverymuch) is a reminder of that fun adventure we had together.

It was my forgetfulness that got the ball rolling that evening, but Kris knew how to make the situation even more fun. She always knew how to make things better....

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