

Something has been UP with Lily Kay the past few weeks.

The only thing I can figure is that she is feeling better since we made her latest diet and medicine changes.

I don't know...but it's about to wear. me. out.

She's about to wear me out.

She has about 10 times more energy lately.

My friend Amy today described her as "Enthusiastic".

That is a perfect way to describe Lily Kay. It is a very nice way of saying: "She is bouncing off the walls and brimming over with enough energy for 10 little people." (And when I mention the walls, I mean it literally...she has been caught - multiple times lately - climbing up the walls in the passage from the kitchen to the family room!)

I'm not the only one observing this. My mom asked very gingerly last week, "These changes with Lily Kay's medicine...are they supposed to give her more energy?"

The good news is that while I am having to constantly correct and train her, she is not being mean/ill-tempered about any of it. She is happy, joyful, well-meaning...she just apparently doesn't know what to do with all of her energy. This would be alot harder if she was ill-intentioned with any of her shenanigans...but she really isn't.

We've started spending more time outside lately since it's been nicer weather...but I do believe I'm going to have to up that outside time even more!


  1. good thing it is getting warmer so she can go outside more, it is so good to see her full of energy...

  2. Too funny about all of the energy that your Lily Kay is showing!

    Our little Elijah has lots of energy, too, but is not always so sweet and well-meaning with it! He proves to be such a challenge to me at times (and to Philip as well). I am sure God is using him to teach me patience - something I have not mastered yet! But I love him so very much, and slowly I am learning to be more positive with him when he acts up (which is quite often, I am afraid!!) - Yikes!!

    Praying Lily Kay finds a good outlet for her boundless energy. If you find a good one, let me know!! :)

    janet and gang



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