

I mentioned how I like to set deadlines for myself - it's one of the ways I fight my huge procrastinatory tendencies.

Well, here is my newest self-imposed deadline: We all must be well by...well, tomorrow morning. Tomorrow evening at the very latest.

Within the past 5 days Lily Kay...then Noah...then me...and now Daniel...have all had fevers.

This just will not do.

It won't do for all the normal reasons...and for one very special reason: my brother, sister-in-law and niece and nephew are flying in late tomorrow night for a week-long visit. They will be staying at my mom's house right around the corner from us.

We've had a countdown going for weeks. The children are very excited to see Uncle Jeff, Aunt Mandi, Reese and Davis!

Lily Kay: "How many more weeks Reese and Davis?"

And now? We'll get to see them Wednesday morning!

That is assuming, of course, that we are all well. The last thing these four need is to get sick during their vacation!

We plan to have lots of fun with them while they're here...and to be with them during most waking hours between Wednesday morning and their departure next Tuesday!

The deadline is getting close...

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all to get well and stay well!

    Hugs to you,
    janet and gang



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