
2016-2017 School Year

We are underway in our 9th year of official homeschooling!

We actually began two weeks ago.  And honestly, it started out rough. (Just like the previous school year ended.)  But after tweaking and adjusting - and a couple of meetings with our principal (aka "Daddy") - things are settling into a good rhythm now.  A really good rhythm.  Phew!

We are back to using My Father's World for our core curriculum.  We are in Year 4 of the chronological history cycle - Exploration to 1850.  

I just really heart My Father's World.  My Father's World is a good combination of Charlotte Mason and Classical methods, that has me very involved with the children in the core subjects of Bible, history, science and geography.  We switched away from it during the last 1/2 of last year (to Mystery of History), because with a 1-year old and a 3-year old...I just had to.  But thankfully, we are at a place where we can get back to learning together!

We are doing an inductive study of the book of James this year.  AND...we are memorizing the book of James.  The whole book.  It is not a particularly long book...and we have all year to do it.  They have us learning about 4-5 new verses a week...and we are off to a great start!  I am so excited about this.  And since we practice this memory work at the kitchen tables over meals, G and A happen to be learning it too.  Gabriel amazed us with what he spouted off this morning (I really need to video it!).  

Here is what else the children are working on this year:

Abigail's sign says it all.  She takes her job very seriously...and she excels at it!

Gabriel is officially in Pre-K now.  I have chilled a lot since my first were this age (a LOT), and I still am not sure how formal we'll get with anything with G this year.  Mainly we'll just continue to read a lot of good books (he (and A) love to be read to).  He has already picked up many letters and numbers just through reading and...well, living, in a household.  If I want to get more formal, I have the book I used with E and N when they were leeeeetle, Little Hands to Heaven.  Other than that we have enough educational games and manipulatives to fill up 6 or 7 (or more) of the cubbies on our bookshelves.  In short, we'll do just enough formal schooling to not interfere with the very important job of being 4-years old!

Saxon Math 5/4
Spelling by Sound and Structure-5th Grade, by Rod & Staff
Reading Comprehension workbook by Evan-Moor
Daily Language Review workbook by Evan-Moor

Saxon Math 6/5
Spelling by Sound and Structure-6th Grade, by Rod & Staff

Noah came to us a month or so ago and said that he wanted to skip 7th grade.  After thinking about it, I realized that he was already doing the same work as Elisabeth...so, why not?  I am thinking/planning that our children will do some dual-enrollment when they get up in high school, so the issue of when they graduate from high school will be very flexible anyway.

Saxon Math
Read and doing Progeny Press Guides for Amos Fortune, Free Man and Swiss Family Robinson
Spelling/Vocabulary (from this site)

Saxon Math
Read and doing Progeny Press Guides for Amos Fortune, Free Man and Swiss Family Robinson
Spelling/Vocabulary (from this site)

We made the switch for all four from Teaching Textbooks to Saxon Math about 5 months ago.  It has been the hardest thing we've done in school...and I have no doubt that it was the right move.  I needed to be more hands-on with math.  Teaching Textbooks was good/appropriate/needed while we went through the season of having 2 newborns in the house...but now Saxon is where we need to be.  

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