
Many (Mini) Videos

We are 4 weeks into our summer break, and you can tell by my blogging record lately (meaning: nonexistent).

We are busy swimming, playing with friends, getting summer projects done (like school memory books), deciding on next year's curriculum, doing math (yes, I am one of "those" mamas...and I am making them continue with math through the summer).

And...every day during rest-time (which is my normal blogging time), I have been reading. And reading and reading.  I sometimes set my timer so that I can read 30 minutes in one book and then move to a different book I have going.

I am reading The Connected Child (and highlighting up a storm):

And For The Love.

And Manage Your Day-to-Day (not exactly meant for homeschooling mamas, but much does apply to me...although I did skip a few sections).

And I am familiarizing myself with Understanding Writing  - which I am planning to begin using for writing in our homeschool.  (Writing is the bane of my very existence.  I am a math girl all. the. way.  Give me numbers any day, but I would rather have a horrible cavity filled than have to write something.  The only reason I can write anything on this blog is because it is basically one big brag-fest on my favorite things in the world: God and my family.  We have tried and scrapped numerous writing curriculums over the past few years...I am hoping/PRAYING this one sticks.  It looks extremely promising!)

My phone storage is always slap full (giving me nasty little messages that make me grimace)...but it just occurred to me recently that I could "borrow" Jason's phone and shoot some quick videos that I was dying to capture.

So, when mom and dad were here recently, I walked around and shot all of these within a 15 minutes period:

These two have been doing this duet for years now...so glad I finally captured it on video!

A run-of-the-mill basketball game between G and Papa.  Papa is not allowed to leave our house without playing some b-ball with G (not that he'd want to).

LK has been telling me for a couple of years that she would rather take drum lessons than piano...I think we may have to do that.

This video of A and her mad jump-roping skillz cracks me UP!  She totally thinks that she is doing it exactly like E!

1 comment:

  1. Lily Kay on the drums!! Oh my goodness. She's amazing!!!!



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