
Happy 16th Anniversary to Us!

Friday was mine and Jason's 16th Anniversary! Being married to my best friend - who happens to make me laugh all. the. time. - well...it just keeps getting better and better every year.

We celebrated this auspicious occasion by going on our first date since Mr. Gabriel entered our lives 9 weeks ago.

Mr. Gabriel came with us.

This prettily wrapped box also came with us:

This was a present from the 4 oldest children. Elisabeth told me to bring it with us and open it after we ordered...but before our food came. Yes, ma'am!

It turned out that they took up a collection and gifted us $8.16 - so sweet! Although, they are getting cheaper on us...

Our anniversary date also included the requisite trip to Walmart...like every good date we take now that we have children.

So, where were those oldest four chitlins???

Having a blast with three of their little besties, who belong to one of my besties, Vicki! (She promised she would let us reciprocate, so she and Billy can go on a date soon...I'm going to hold you to it, Vicki!)

(Vicki assures me that Will is smiling here...he is just going through an Awkward Smile phase, like Daniel did)

And then...

...the festivities continued Saturday morning, when the children insisted (very loudly from the kitchen) that we stay put in bed, and they brought us breakfast.

(Kix, strawberries, and pretzels. What breakfast-in-bed tray is complete without pretzels???)

And Noah had the oh-so-brilliant idea to bring us our water in beautiful crystal glasses that we'd be given as wedding gifts. He pulled them out of the china cabinet his own sweet self.

(I took one sip as I smiled sweetly...and then whispered to Jas to not drink any, as they had to be filthy from sitting in the cabinet for years.)

I've had a big, goofy grin on my face alot lately: I feel like the most blessed girl in the world!


  1. Haha, the gasses part was so funny! :P

    Congratulations for your anniversary!!
    You have a beautiful family.

  2. Awwww- they are so sweet!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!

  3. How sweet! What a beautiful family you have! Happy anniversary!

  4. Happy Anniversary, guys!!

    Oh, and Gabriel took that top picture, right??? :)

  5. I love how much children LOVE their parents to "be in love!" It is a testimony that God wanted us in families!



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