
Not What We Expected To Hear

I took Noah yesterday for his 6-week follow-up eye appointment that I mentioned here.

Don't remember it? It was very forgettable, not a big deal, supposedly. His "pressures" in his eyes were high when I took all of them for appointments 6 weeks ago, but this could very easily be explained by his anxiousness (squinting at all could throw off the reading).

So I took him back yesterday, to get another reading, and get the "all clear." In fact, I took all of them. So all five of us are crammed into the small exam room with the tech...and later the doctor.

Noah did great on the test procedure. He was so proud of himself for not being anxious at all this time...and I was proud of him too.

But instead of his pressures going down and us getting the "all clear", his pressures actually went up. The technical name, I learned, is Ocular Hypertension.

What does this mean?

Well, it could mean glaucoma.

We have more tests scheduled for 2.5 weeks from now, on that Monday, and then we'll get results at an appointment that Thursday.

I'm starting to feel like a broken record: If you think of it, would you please pray?


  1. Joli,

    We will certainly pray for Noah. And for the whole family.

    Can't wait to see you guys on the 8th.

  2. Sure thing friend...we will be in prayer Noah and the stretch bunch.. Love ya'll dearly

  3. I've been a broken record myself latey.....praying for Noah...and his mama!



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