
Just Being Real

Our three youngest children have some special needs.

That is a fact of life that we have settled into gradually, as we've added to our family.

It is also a fact of life that just kind of seamlessly fits into our lives most days. Yes, we have more-than-normal doctor appointments when we first get home, figuring everything out with our newest-addition-at-the-time.

But most days, besides LK's three-times daily medicines, and making sure D is wearing his hearing aids, and always having in the back of my mind that Noah needs to be careful not to bump his pacemaker (which can be clearly seen in his abdomen)...they are just totally normal kids. All-too-normal, ornery, precious kids.

Most of the time we're just in maintenance mode.

Most days...

But this past week, it wasn't "most days"...

With all the combined medical stuff we had - for all three of them - going on this week, it was so very....In Our Face.

And when we went to Noah's ophthalmologist appointment and heard unexpected (and unwelcome) news...it was the proverbial straw for me.

And so, of course, as soon as the five of us left that appointment I opened my bible that I always have with me and just read and was refreshed and poured out my heart to the Lord and was comforted and felt immediate peace.

Um, well, no...that's not exactly what happened.

The five of us left that eye doctor appointment and drove to Vicki's house for speech therapy for the boys. I vented to Vicki (read: cried on her shoulder)...and then I ate a box of raisinets. All. by. myself.

I found that after getting those crying-toxins out - and lots of sugar in - I really did feel better.

And now I feel better for having admitted that here in blogosphere.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry it's been such a tough week. It's easy to "forget" about the special needs of our kids when you are walking right next them trying to help those needs NOT be an impact to their lives. So, it seems logical to me, that at times, it all simply slams us. It seems pretty expected this will happen. Then, we just have to find a way to cope. And maybe raisenettes were God's gift to you that day :)

    I am in "slammed" mode this weekend; I would so like to cover my head and take a nap. It always happens when Greg is on a trip, so I just have to suck it up. Oldest girl and oldest boy- fine mentally one minute. The next, oldest girl is doing her nutty thing and oldest boy is eating the string off his sweat pants. "Slammed" feels like there will never be an end to the crazy here. Maybe I need some raisenetes too.

    Prayers for endurance for us both.. Jennifer



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