
The Breastfeeding Chronicles: Ummm...Surprise!

I mentioned here last week that my doctor told me to take a "vacation" from the medicine that was causing vexing symptoms.

Now, this doctor has (to my knowledge) never helped any other patients through this lactation inducing protocol, so I'm letting her off the hook for what followed next after I started my "vacation". (But in retrospect I think I totally should have realized what would happen, after reading all the research I have read!)

On day three of my "vacation", I started feeling so tender, and then, later in the day, downright painful! When I got changed into my jammies I realized: HELLO - my milk came in!

WOW! Color me surprised!

My first thought: YAY - It works!

Followed very closely by: I'm not supposed to be doing this yet!

What followed after that was a very confusing 24 hours of pumping every three hours (I started in the middle of the night when it was so painful that I had. to.do. something!)...followed by deciding that pumping every 3 hours until WHO KNOWS WHEN is for the birds.


Now, we're back to where we were a week and a half ago...

My "vacation" is officially over and I'm back to taking two medicines.

BUT...now I know that it works.

And when the time is right...I'll be ready!


  1. That is Great news. I am super happy you are able to give this miracle to your new little guy.. Praise the Lord..

  2. Joli-- All I can say is WOW! You are a sweet mama--can't wait to meet the little one God has planned for your family. :)



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