
The Breastfeeding Chronicles: Another Pill

Early last week I had my annual appointment with my Ob/Gyn who is overseeing the process as I go through this protocol to attempt to breastfeed Gabriel when he comes home.

I mentioned the side effects I've been experiencing from the two meds I'm taking...the side effects that are TMI to share here but that are truly vexing to me (and Jas!).

Her solution: Take a one week "vacation" from one of the meds. AND add another pill into the protocol that should help deal with those unpleasantries.

I thought I'd just get through these last few months...but after talking with her, I decided to give it a try. (And since we passed our family's $5,000 out-of-pocket-maximum for medical expenses for the year back in April, this doesn't cost us anything!)

I've just begun the one week vacation from the medicine. And I've been taking that new medicine for about 7 days now...and I think that it does seem to be helping some.

Dr. C told me to take this new pill at bedtime because it would "make me drowsy." She was NOT kidding. "Drunk" is more like it, though! I made the mistake one night (first and last time I'll do that) of taking it just as soon as I'd put the kids down to bed. In fairly short order (30 minutes?) I was feeling practically drunk. My head felt heavy and my arms felt so heavy I could barely lift them. But I slept fine and woke up feeling fine...so I can deal with that.


Some of my friends are baffled about why I even want to try breastfeeding...much less go through a hassle to try it.

As I said here, I am a black-and-white person and for me it really and truly boils down to one thing: Breastmilk is best for babies. Period.

Some adoptive moms want to breastfeed for the bonding that it promotes. I am here to tell you: You can bond with an adopted child without breastfeeding them. I've got four precious "proofs" running around my house! So while bonding is a nice side effect...it is simply not the reason I'm doing this.

Breastmilk is best for babies. Period.

So that's why I'm willing to do this protocol (and I'd be willing to go through a whole lot worse than this!) to give our child the best.

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