
Colorado Trip - 2011: God's Amazing Creation

I mentioned in the Rock Climbing post that the breath-taking views that day deserved their own post.

You can see Pike's Peak from anywhere in Colorado Springs, so you always have a beautiful view, but this day - this day - we walked in beauty, we hiked in it, we climbed on it!

I don't know if it's because I've not lived in Colorado for 9 years now...or that I'm older/wiser...or that I'm a more mature Christian now....but I appreciate all this so much more now. Appreciate what GOD has done here. His handiwork is so very evident.

I took 483 pictures on this day alone.

In some of them I took pictures of our loved ones, using God's beautiful landscape as the background...

...and sometimes I just had to take pictures of the beautiful views all by themselves....

One thing I think when I see the pictures from that day is "I really need to learn how to use that Photoshop Lightroom program that I bought months ago!"

But the more important thing I think of when I see these pictures is Psalm 19. His very creation declares His work...who He is...what He has done...what He is capable of! Praise You, Lord!

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
(Psalm 19:1-4)

Sunday Snapshot


  1. Oh this is just gorgeous! What a wonderful day to take in all of His creation! Especially love the snowy mnts in the background.
    thank you for sharing!
    Nancy-of the crazy 8

  2. Absolutely beautiful!! Not sure which one takes my breath away more, those incredible views, or those incredible children!!! Probably have to say the children, they are just soooo precious!!!!

  3. Totally beautiful! Love the mountains!!! Your kiddos are cuties! Happy Sunday!!

  4. Simply beautiful!

    God is amazing!

    Thanks for sharing.



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