
Getting Ready: Re-Reading An Old Favorite

I've already mentioned how much I love to read.

Love. it.

And this is what I'm currently reading in my on-going quest to get ready for Lil Man's arrival:

Or, this is what I'm re-reading, to be more accurate.

I first read this jewel right before we brought lil Miss Libeth home. It was very helpful.

And very educational.

I really credit this book, and The Maker's Diet (by Jordan Rubin), with getting me started on our road to healthy eating. The way Mrs. Yaron explained things was helpful for this all-too-often dense gal.

Yes, this book had/will have me making my own baby food. But it is so easy: steam some veggies, blend 'em up, freeze them in ice cube trays. Done!

And instead of buying rice cereal at the store: blend up some brown rice into a powder, then stir some into some boiling water. Done!

This book made it seem so easy to feed my baby in a quick and healthy manner. And walked me step-by-step through exactly how to do that.

Now, I won't actually be needing to feed Lil Man any "solid" food for months after he gets home...but soon I'll post more about what we plan to do at first...

1 comment:

  1. I am loving that book! Thanks for letting me take a peak, my friend!



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