
My "Joli Retreat"

I read a quote the other day.

It was something to the effect of...

"I haven't had time to develop a train of thought that was able to leave the depot."

That. is. so. me.

But at least I recognize this.

So, in preparation for starting school soon (T-4 days now!)...I had a "Joli Retreat" this past weekend.

A time of prayerful preparation...that also happened to involve many binders, folders, papers and schedules.

My and my Instructor's Guides from this coming year's Sonlight Curriculum ("love" is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about Sonlight)...spent many, many multiple hours of quality alone time. Well, as alone as you can get at a Books*A*Million.

Yes, just me and my school stuff - and a nice cup of coffee - spread out over two tables in the cafe section of BAM.

I'm ready.

And not only that...I'm excited.

And so are my children. Daniel will tell anyone who will listen that he is starting Kindergarten...and LK has been asking me all summer if we can "do schkool".

Come on Monday...bring it on.


  1. So excited for you!! Thanks for your encouraging words, friend!

  2. My girls just finished their last day of school for the year. They are off now for 5 weeks before they start up. It is so nice when kids are excited to start school again.



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