
How we celebrated 'Elisabeth Day'

When we were in China bringing home LK 6 months ago, we went ahead and purchased gifts to give the children on every adoption day until they turned 18. Special little things, purchased from their first home...to help celebrate the anniversary of the blessed day they joined our family.

Jas normally goes into the bank very early, but he hung around extra long this morning, so we could give Elisabeth her adoption day present together.

This girl is usually a big sleepy head...very slow to wake up.

But not so on this very important day!

Wow - I wish I looked that good 10 seconds after I woke up!

This precious girl has been asking for a heart locket recently, even as recently as yesterday...

and guess what we purchased in China 6 months ago! Coincidence? No. Thank you for that precious little gift, Lord!

Does she like it?

Oh, I can't really tell...

And then we all met daddy for lunch, at the restaurant of E's choice.

The children (and their parents!) love this place!

I think we've only been there once since LK came home...but they have some "chitten", so she loves it too!

And THEN - as if we hadn't already done the day up enough - we stopped for ice cream! Yum!

Check out Elisabeth and Noah's shirts:

Yes, they match.

And Yes, they are different than the shirts they had on several minutes earlier at the restaurant that was just right across the street from the ice cream place.

What's up with that? Noah!

As soon as Noah found out where we were going to have lunch, he whispered to me that he wanted to buy E and himself matching t-shirts that they sell at the restaurant, with his own money.

Elisabeth? Loved it! (I had to wash their shirts last night so they could wear them again today!).

It was a good Adoption Day! Special celebration days are just becoming more and more fun as the children get older!


  1. Very sweet, Noah! Joli, your kids are so kind to one another.

    And if I didn't already say it, Happy adoption day, Elizabeth!

  2. Looks like a fun day! How cool is it that she got the locket that she's been wanting!
    We always enjoyed that restaurant too :)
    Such a sweet brother to buy his sister a shirt with his own money!



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