
Not-so-fun Monday and Tuesday ahead for Zibing

The little girl who is not afraid of anything except shots...is about to get way too many of them over the next couple of days.

Everytime we go anywhere new - no matter how unhospital and undoctor office looking it appears to me - Lily Kay always asks "I mean, uh, no shots! No shots?" (As she sticks her index finger into her other arm)

It is time for the testing that I talked about here and here. It is actually a 2-day process. Monday she and I will drive down and she'll undergo a 3-hour procedure (Seriously??? 3 hours - what in the world?!?!?). I don't know all that is involved, but I do know they'll have to start an IV. That will go over well. (sigh)

And then on Tuesday, we'll have to have her blood drawn, to see what kind of effect Monday's procedures had on her body. This will definitely go over well also. (big sigh) The good thing about this 2nd day is that we will be able to go to our local hospital outpatient lab...and we won't have to drive 1 1/2 hours (each way) like we will on Monday.

In between the 2 steps of this test, on Tuesday morning Lily Kay has a dentist appt to continue working on the remaining 10 cavities that need to be filled (another sigh). This will likely involve at least 3 or 4 shots. The first round of fillings went great - much better than I expected - I pray the same happens this time.

How do you (satisfactorily) explain to any 4-year old why they're getting shots and being stuck to draw blood...much less a 4-year old who has only heard English for a little under 5 months??? It is so hard to be there, looking like I'm approving and helping as these strangers hurt her for reasons that are totally beyond her grasp at this point.

With Lily Kay being our 4th child - and 3rd child with special needs - I've done this before. (More times than I, or my boys, would care to remember.) But it doesn't mean I like it...or will ever get used to it. And, yes, this isn't the end of the world...and she will definitely survive...but again - it doesn't mean she or I have to like it.

We would appreciate prayers for our little Miss Lily Kay over the next couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your sweet Lily Kay. Let us know how she did.

    Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and Elijah



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