
Daniel's "Nap"

My children still take naps every afternoon. (This would be the #2 key to this mama's Sanity-Saving Strategy. #1, by the way, is knowing and relying on the Lord for my strength and wisdom!)

So, all my children take naps every afternoon...except The Danel.

Or Daniel Daniel Bo Baniel.

Or Daniel Crocket.

Whatever name we call him by...he simply does not need a daily nap anymore.

He would nap, no problem. The problem would come at 8 p.m., when he would not be able to go to sleep.

SO, Daniel alone gets a dispensation from The Afternoon Nap.

Instead, Daniel plays quietly in the family room with legos, or tinker toys, or cars...or popsicle sticks, as you'll soon see. (Quietly is a relative term...Daniel is simply not capable of imaginative play with these toys without making the noises that go along with such playing!)

BUT, one day last week, when I came out of my room near the end of nap/rest time (I hole up in my room and furiously work to get all my computer work, etc. done during nap/rest time)...this is the precious scene that was waiting for me in the family room:

So precious!

I ran back to my room to grab my fancy schmancy new camera, and Daniel slept right through me just snapping away...capturing pictures of my precious, sleeping baby boy!

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