
Colorado Trip - 2015: Cousins

If you ask our kiddos what their favorite part of our trip was, they would easily answer, "Family!"

And "the cousins" are a big part of that.  BIG.

There are 12 grandchildren.  

After looking (and looking) through the (950!) pictures I took on our trip....I came to the sad realization that this is the ONLY picture I took with all twelve grands in it:

Great picture, no?

(Thankfully, unlike this wanna-be-photographer, a professional photographer caught GREAT pictures of all of us...we should be receiving the CD soon...I can't wait!)

If it looks like the grandchildren fall into two extremes, it's because they do:  6 of the grands are 5-years and younger...and the other 6 are between 9 and 12-years old.

Here is the older crew:

These six had a GREAT time together!

The younger crew had a good time together also...

Catching Grandpa Phil's bubbles

...when they weren't in the sandbox:

G is the only boy out of the 6 in the younger crew.  What can I say?  Girls like to build...boys like to knock down.  

But when Lexi realized what was going on, she offered to build G a tower just for him to knock down
(so sweet...and smart!).....

And when she did...

...and when he did...

...and then she cheered...

....all was well in their little preschool world again:

Our CO cousins were on spring break, so we spent almost the entire day, every day with them.  

The children all had a blast together, whether we were touring Focus on the Family...

...or visiting the zoo...

...or roller skating together...

...or eating out together....

...or eating out together...

...or eating out together:

And then...

....there was the one night that Nai Nai got crazy brave and had all twelve grands spend the night at her house:

(it actually went just fine, because, well...these are twelve pretty amazing kiddos!)

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway:  The children had a great time with their cousins.

It was so neat to see them really get to know each other better...

...and connect individually.

Lexi pretty much thinks Noah is the bomb

As you might imagine, our kiddos have been saying how awesome it would be to live there...to be near their cousins.

We explained (and explained) that "real life" would not include getting to see your cousins every. single. day.  (And it certainly wouldn't normally include going to I-Top-It with them multiple times a week).  Real life would normally include school...and work for the adults (who all took the week off while we were there).

As much as we've explained all this to them....

...so far they're not buying it.

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