
A Southern Summer Delicacy

It's that time of year again.

Time for flip flops, bathing suits, beach toys...

...and boiled peanuts!

For those of you not blessed to live in the south...our condolences.  Many of you don't even know what you're missing out on.

My children are so excited every year when it is time to start eating boiled peanuts again.

Daniel offered to taste test to see if they were done cooking.

They've been asking me for weeks when it would be time again.

The cutest little taste-tester.

And when they spotted some raw peanuts in the produce section during our grocery trip the other day...

...they clamored for us to buy them!

They filled the bag themselves, weighed it...and then filled it some more!

As the pot of peanuts boiled on our stovetop for hours that afternoon, they kept asking, "Are they done yet?  Are they done yet?"   

And then nothing would do but they had to squat right there in the kitchen floor...where they promptly finished off almost all of that 2 pounds that we'd just purchased a few hours earlier.

And what they didn't finish that afternoon, they finished with their breakfasts the next morning.  The breakfast of champions!  AND - bonus - they thought I was super-cool for letting them eat boiled peanuts for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Yummy!!! Love me some bawled p-nuts!! I read a crockpot recipe for them the other day I may have to try out! What a Mom you are, my friend!!!



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