
Mother's Day - 2012

Happy Mother's Day to ME!  It has been such a nice day.  And I need to give credit where credit is due...none of this would have happened without my sweet hubby, Jas...my Boyfriend-For-Life!

It all started with breakfast in bed this morning.  Jason and the children were busy little bees before I even woke up.  Then they paraded into our room.

This photo may look like it only contains 4 of my kiddos, but all five are in here.  G is just still asleep in that bassinet behind LK:

I know you shouldn't play favorites with your children, but I have to be honest and say that I was most excited to see Libeth this morning....

...because she was carrying my COFFEE!

(Have I mentioned how much I love coffee?  I've been meaning to do a post about my new best friend, the coffee maker Jas bought me 4 days after Gabriel came home...)

Yummy!  12-Grain Bagel with cream cheese, fried egg ala Jas, and strawberries...with a side of Homemade Card Sweetness!

Daniel explaining his card...

...which really DID need explaining to me:  He and I were the monkeys in his card with an Angry Birds theme.

I thought that was an electrical plug on the lower right, but E assures me it's a flower.

Noah even gave me silly bands, lollipops and MONEY...

...and drew an airport inside the card too.

Lily Kay's card with silly bands and lollipops.  I think she may have been copying Noah, but, WAIT!  Where is my money?

The card my mother-in-love mailed me:
..after reading it my kids wanted to know why I was about to cry.

This is the gift certificate that Jas gave me to get a massage - SCORE!

Yummy coffee that Jas bought me.  The one on the right looks different because he had already opened it and that was the coffee they brought me for my Mother's Day breakfast in bed...it. was. scrumptious!

And this?

This is a picture of the Most Blessed Mama in the WHOLE WORLD!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it all! And love the names of that coffee!! Sounds quite delightful!! Happy Mother's Day to my dear friend!!



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