
Last Day of School, 2011-2012

Thursday was our last official day of school for the 2011-2012 year...and I don't know who was more excited about that:  me, or the kiddos!

We took our traditional "First/Last Day of School" pictures:

Isn't this the craziest game of baseball you've ever seen?

LK's pictures looks suspiciously like Noah's...I'm sensing a theme.

And what did we do to celebrate?  

The 6 of us met daddy at one of the children's favorite places:  a local Chinese Buffet!

And then the End-of-School Festivities continued on into the next day.  Post to follow soon...

AND, we're switching some things up with our curriculum next year, I hope to do a post on that soon also (I'm posting this here to help hold myself accountable!).


  1. Happy Last Day of School!! I've watched several years of these go by your blog and they are probably one of the things that encouraged me that we could do this also.

    I'm looking forward to hearing how you are changing things up next year!! I never tire of learning about what others are doing, different ideas and strategies to try. Especially someone with multiple levels of kiddos!!! :) Blessings, Jennifer

  2. Oooh, looking forward to hearing what you're going to use next year. We're changing things up at our house, too, after 14 years of (primarily) the same curriculum.

  3. Gotta get Utah drawn in there. It's easy.



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