
My Snuggie and "Propper Thing" - an Ode to Nai Nai

She answers to many titles:

Jason's mom

My Mother-in-Love

Nai Nai


She also has another title: Great Present-Picker-Outer

Here are my two favorite gifts that Nai Nai shipped to me for Christmas, from Colorado with love:

#1 Snuggie

"The Blanket That Has Sleeves"...what a brilliant idea!

LOVE IT! But then, I'm always cold. One reason we no longer live in Colorado.

Here I am posing like the people in all the Snuggie ads, except instead of holding a TV remote (we don't have "live" TV here at our house)...I was pretending to be noshing on the yummy caramel popcorn that my dear friend Amy's mama brought us.

#2 Cookbook Stand

I used to have a cookbook stand a few years ago, but it was acrylic and plastic and didn't hold up. Linda didn't even know any of that, she just knows I'm in the kitchen quite a bit and thought I might like one (she knew I could use one).

It is so functional...

and it is absolutely beautiful, too!

I have already used it several times in the past week - it is definitely going to earn its keep in my kitchen!

When Noah saw me using it for the first time he piped up, "I like your new Cookbook Propper Thing!"

I like it too, Noah!

Thank you, Linda! Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Great gifts!! I need one of those "cookbook propper thingies" too, Noah. :)



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