
Sunday Snapshot: Parade

After living in 6 different states growing up - always in big cities - I can now speak from experience when I say there are many wonderful things about living in a small town.

Definitely on that list.

Twice a year, our small town has parades.

I mean Parading-Right-Down-Main-Street Parades.

We went to one this week.

Complete with our local high school's marching band:

Complete with our local high school's football team (and all the rec league football teams also):

Complete with all the lovely girls that are on the high school's homecoming court:

Is it obvious what the children are doing in the picture above? and the picture below?

Parades in our little town mean: CANDY!

This was Lily Kay's first parade. It was hard to explain beforehand exactly what she should expect.

They're going to throw candy at you! WHAT?!?!? Sounds very strange...

But this bright girl caught on very quickly.

The haul? Lots of sugar!

Enough that serious review was required once we got back home.

And serious trading.

And more serious trading.

And more serious trading.

The children are allowed to have one piece every day after their nap/rest time...which means that this haul will run out...

just in time for the Christmas Parade!

Ni Hao Y'all


  1. Oh dear, that is a lot of suger to split up. My oldest is totally fascinated with marching bands. Don't know why but she can't stand still.

    Erika B

  2. Oh - Halloween will be fun at your house - you've got some great sorters!

    We live in small town parade-having America too :) And LOVE it!

  3. I only had one candy gatherer since Eli was in the parade, and Levi was happy to just sit in the stroller (well, most of the time). However, we will have treats for days to come even one divided by three!

  4. Wow, looks like a wonderful 'home-town' parade!
    They are the best!

    Love your blog!

    Also noticed that you support An Orphan's Wish!
    Yay! I am the sponsorship coordinator....so it always puts a big smile on my face when I see our button on other people's blogs!




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