
Rough time

Lily Kay needed several more tests run - necessitating another blood draw - before her surgery next Wednesday. We decided that daddy, who has yet to take her to one of these sort of appointments, would have the pleasure this time. So, at about 6:40 a.m. on Tuesday morning, he set out with LK (and Elisabeth was chosen as the sibling-du-jour this time).

I called Jas' cell phone a while later...knowing that for sure they'd be on their way home by that point. When Jas answered, I could hear LK screaming in the background. Now I can be real slow...but even I realized that was not a good sign.

Turns out it took 4 nurses and 4 sticks before they got LK's blood this time. I don't know if the crying was due to different circumstances (mama not there) or if the nurses were sticking LK's arm outside the area numbed by the EMLA cream...or what?!?!

When Jas got home from work this evening...LK greeted him at the door, "No more shots, Dad!" Jas says he's not "volunteering" for that assignment again. (Jas is not slow.)

These tests will need to come back with good results for Lily Kay's levels in order for her surgery to be a "go" next Wednesday. We're praying that the Lord's will be done in the timing - and every other aspect - of Lily Kay's impending surgery.


  1. Praying for Lily Kay's test to come back ok. So sorry for her tears. That must have been difficult to be on the other end of the phone and not be able to hug her! I am sure it wasn't fun for her daddy either. :(

    Janet and gang

  2. so sorry to hear Lily didn't have a good day with the blood draw and that Jas had to go through that. I will pray that the results are good so she can have the surgery

  3. Wow, friend, I must NOT let a week go by without talking with you. Ya'll had such fun in Savannah, after the concert...I am jealous. ;)

    Poor LK, she sooooooooo need Mish Wobbie to bake her some pizza rolls after that stress.

    I sent you a text, but, now I see the answer to my question.....

    And....you must have had some fantastic photographer taking that photo in your header. ;)

    See ya' Saturday!

  4. Joli,
    Will LK be having surgery on Wed.? --Carol



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