

Our smaller-than-normal 7-year old and bigger-than-normal 4-year old are only a couple pounds different in weight and a smidge different in height.

They act like they've been sisters for forever...instead of only 7 months.

This means that they love on each other....

...and definitely have their fair share of disagreements and squabbles.

I overheard this exchange a couple days ago...as the girls were standing next to each other, working on something...not even looking at one another...just being near each other...

Elisabeth: "I love you, Zibing."

Lily Kay Zibing: "I la you, Eliba"


  1. So sweet!! I know that them being together all day each day makes the difference. I have seen a HUGE change in my children. **Thanks, Cara, for pointing out that wonderful bit about HS. You said that way back at our meeting in May.**



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