
One year ago today...

I had another one of those "Lightning-bolt/The Heavens Parted" kind of moments.

WOW, I just love it when the Lord does that for me. He doesn't always communicate with me like that...but how I love it when He does!

We'd just been given access to the Special Needs list at our adoption agency. Our contact recommended that we only look at the factual info on the children first (gender, age, SN)...and NOT just go look at pictures of all the faces of these precious children (how did she know I'd want to bring them ALL home???).

Sounded like a very good idea to me...so on that Tuesday afternoon last year (while my other 3 were napping) I went and checked out the new children that China had just added to their SN list. Upon reading the information for Yan Zi Bing, I was immediately drawn to her.

So I opened her file to look at her pictures...

...and that was all she wrote!

Or, more accurately, that was all He wrote!

When I opened her pictures and saw her for the first time...I just cried. And knew.

And then cried some more.

And then I called Jas at work...still crying.

And he said, "Have you found our daughter?"


Yes, indeed...this child...this Yan Zi Bing was our daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1 year "referral" day...and with the decluttering....I noticed the shoes and hangers were less right away. Not so much the clothes other then it look like there was more space. baby step is right.



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