
Elisabeth - Day 3

Have we mentioned yet how precious Elisabeth is and how much we love her???

We had a great day with her – lots of changes. Elisabeth slept great again last night – from 8:00 until 5:24, at which point she let us know that she was ready for her morning bottle in no uncertain terms. She is a deep sleeper and sleeps just fine through the night – but her parents are a different story! We just need to get used to her sleeping noises. Elisabeth is also a very active sleeper – she is all over the place! She stays in one place for the first few hours, and then watch out! Rolling all over the place…scrunched up near the head of the crib… perpendicular on the crib…one leg sticking out between the slats! (And that's all within a couple of hours!)

We had a basically free day today (nothing scheduled until 4 p.m.) and this was great. We finally (we're new at this parenting thing) figured out part of the reason for Elisabeth's pitifulness – she is teething! She has 2 teeth up and 2 down, but 2 more up and 2 more down are starting to poke through. Poor baby – she was extremely fussy this morning and has slept a lot today. She has also been sucking on her blanket a lot (it is too cute, so we took lots of pictures!)…and even sucked
on her shirt just before bedtime tonight. She has also had an extremely hard Chinese pretzel type thing in her hands almost all day (she held on tight to it right through naps) that seems to help with the teething. (The Tylenol and Orajel didn't hurt either!)

In between her many naps today, Elisabeth was noticeably more alert. She started playing with her stacking cups, reaching for more things, showing lots of interest in her books…she even tried to brush her own hair with her ladybug hair brush (she LOVES having her hair brushed!). Elisabeth is starting to warm up to the grandmothers (which means that she does not whimper when they look at her!) We had been told that she knows how to crawl, but we haven't seen that at all (she can barely sit by herself right now), but it is also very likely that she is just regressing right now due to all the changes. She still hasn't smiled for us, but it seems like it won't be much longer now!

Dinner was amazing, not only was the food good but Elisabeth ate really well. It was like we had a different little girl with us. She ate some crepe/tortilla thing, pork and watermelon (loved it); and, when we got back to the hotel room she drank all but a couple of swallows of her 8:00 p.m. bottle. She
also took her first bath in a bathtub tonight. She did so much better than we expected (only whimpered, didn't scream bloody murder like we fully expected), but it is probably because Mom was in there with her and let Elisabeth cling to her neck throughout the whole thing!

We thank you for all of the wonderful e-mails you have all been sending us! They have been so encouraging and uplifting and we thank you so much for them. But most of all we thank you for your prayers – they're working! God is so good!

Naptime with daddy - eating a blanket snack

Later nap with mom - still snacking on blanket

Even LATER nap, still snacking...

After-dinner snack

"Watermelon is great!  Why have they only been giving me that formula?!?"

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