
In Other News...

Because - as much as I might like it to - the world did not stop revolving when Mr. Gabriel entered our little part of the world 2.5 weeks ago...life goes on and other news-worthy things have happened over the past 2.5 weeks that I haven't yet posted about. At other times, these things would warrant their own posts, because they're pretty big (in our little world anyway).

In the interest of time, I'm going to lump them together here...because it's my blog and I can haul off and do that!


Our cows are gone. Gone. Just like that. Actually, it didn't happen "just like that." But "just like that", that chapter of our lives is over.

Several months ago we all (7 of us families that co-owned the cows together) found out that we needed to find a new location for "the girls" to live. It was hard to find an appropriate location...and it was too expensive to make the potential locations we did find appropriate (fencing, running electricity/water, building a milking shed...etc.).

Sooooo, two weeks ago the co-owners voted to sell the cows and equipment and disband our little milk co-op.

I will totally not miss having to do the milking once a week...but OH, how I will miss our raw milk!

(btw, we'll be using almond milk now...until Mark gets Arica those cows he's promised her!)


I was knee-deep into figuring out next year's school curriculum when Mr. Gabriel made his appearance.

And it all came to a screeching halt.

But I need to get back to working on it soon (most companies have price increases in March/April...so I always get our stuff before then).

And, drumroll please...

We're switching to My Father's World curriculum.

Yes, Sonlight's #1 Fan (our family is in their current catalog, for pete's sake)...we're switching.

It has very little to do with Sonlight...and everything to do with My Father's World.

There are a lot of similarities between the two curriculum's approaches. Alot of overlap in books they use. Both are Christian, "real"book-based programs. But MFW is even more Charlotte Mason-esque...which I love. AND, My Father's World will make it easier to group my four oldest together for the "core" school material (bible, history, geography, science, etc.)

And MFW will be cheaper.

So, taking those things into consideration, consider me SOLD!


I have lost weight over the past 2.5 weeks.

Not alot yet...but it is encouraging to me, nonetheless. This is the first time I've seen the scale go down in months! I've only seen it going up for 8 months - since I started the medicine in the lactation induction protocol last May.

And I promise it isn't because I haven't been eating. Our sweet friends have seen to that! We've had people bringing meals and we've. been. spoiled. - stuffed zuchinni, Poppyseed Chicken, spaghetti, lasagna, pork tenderloins, breakfast casserole...not to mention the pound cakes (yes cakes PLURAL!), brownies, blueberry cobbler, homemade chocolate chip cookies...and the list goes on...

BUT, I've lost weight...and I'm encouraged!


  1. Sorry about the girls...but almond milk rocks as well:) We are using MFW for both our daughters and love it!! They are too far apart to do the curriculum together but we are fans:)

  2. I should seriously look at MFW, as I have been struggling in Sonlight this year. I love it, but something just doesn't seem right.

    Oh, and I like it when you just 'haul off and do' stuff! :)

  3. So sorry to hear about the girls! We are just getting into real milk. Hope to start getting some soon from a sweet Mennonite family.



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