
My Mother's Day - 2011

I had been told (by one little cutie whose initials are E.S.) that I should "sleep in until 7:50!"

Twist my arm.

While I didn't actually sleep until 7:50 a.m. (I can't shake weekday habits that fast)...I did stay in bed until 7:50.

At which point these precious people came to my bed...

...and they brought me a tray carrying this...

(Kix, strawberries, egg (with hot sauce on it)...and pretzels)

...and these!

Elisabeth gave me her current favorite plaything (a pinwheel she won in Sunday School), and a beautiful card.

Lily Kay gave me a card that looked like this on one side...

...and this on the other side.

Daniel gave me two pictures.

Here is one of them...

(His pictures always look like this...with lots of action going on - and he can tell you exactly what is going on in the picture, like which ones are the bad guys and which ones are the good guys.)

...and here is his other picture.

(Those purple objects in the lower left are turkeys - complete with "beards" hanging down in the front, and "spurs" in the back. (We all just got to see a turkey the other day after Papa and his friend shot one out at Papa's farm.))

And then Daniel made this for me during Sunday School yesterday!

Daniel and Elisabeth collaborated on this card...and pooled their money to give me a dollar!

Noah gave me a card that had lots of "hugs and kisses" on the front (Noah pointed out that he drew hearts in place of O's on his card).

And Noah outdid himself by giving me 4 beautiful silly bands...and six dollars!

Jas gave me a beautiful card...AND I was totally off-duty yesterday! Meaning: I didn't prepare any meals yesterday! He couldn't have given me a better present!

I thank you, Lord - for these that you have blessed me with!

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