
Profound thoughts...from some Asparagus

My children checked out a Veggie Tales video from our church library last Sunday.

The first story on the dvd is an adaptation of the parable of the Good Samaritan. The children were watching it while we were in the van. Now I can't see it while I'm driving, but I definitely can hear it.

And this is what I've heard that has given me pause:

We're busy, busy, dreadfully busy
You've no idea what we have to do.
Busy, busy, shockingly busy
Much, much too busy for you.

'Cause we're busy, busy, frightfully busy
More than a bumblebee, more than an ant.
Busy, busy, horribly busy
We'd love to help, but we can't!

(you can see a video of the song here)

Sometimes I feel like I have to fight to keep that from being my theme song. I'm not saying I have too much to do...or that I am burdened by too much. I am blessedly busy...and yes, I have my "hands full" (as strangers are always so quick to observe when our crew is out and about).

But the Lord has not asked me to do more than He has equipped me to do...and He has not asked me to do more than He has given me time to accomplish. He gives me time, wisdom and strength to do what He calls me to do.

It's the things I put on myself...the extra things in my life...even the "good" things. The good things that keep me from the best things.

I don't want those "good" things to so occupy my time that I ever lose sight of ministry opportunities right in front of me. My friend who just had surgery on Thursday - I want to call and/or visit. My friends who are moving this week - I want to go love on them one last time in person. My friend whose mother passed away on Friday evening - I want to love on her and take some food over there.

If I ever find myself thinking (or singing) "I'm too busy for you" or "I'd love to help, but I can't"...whoa...

Satan has no need to totally incapacitate us Christians. He doesn't even need to worry about that as long as we stay so busy that we are too busy to do the Lord's work...too busy to be His hands and feet to a lost and dying world. The enemy loves it when we jam-pack our schedules with so much "good" stuff that we are too busy to love. Too busy to stop for those opportunities - the ones that look like "interruptions" to our plans - but are really God-appointments.

So, these are some of the things that I am mulling over as we pray and decide what will be (and more importantly, will NOT be) on our family's schedule as we get ready to start back to school in a few weeks.


  1. Oh my, turn up that profound asparagus! Thanks for the reminder that it is I that do this to myself and not my Lord! I think this will be a good weekend to REALLY look at HIS priorities! Hope you all are having a blast! We love you all!

  2. Thanks, friend, for the reminder to slow down and do what really is important.

  3. This is so much what I've been feeling also(keeping too busy to help another out, too cluttered so time is wasted digging around for stuff, etc, etc). Someone posted recently about a book they read (but I was too busy to even write who posted/what book!!!), but I remembered the gist...give yourself a "margin" by scheduling only 80% of your time; by allowing yourself that "margin" you can be there for others when there's a need. Seems like a really, really good idea. Now, I just have to remove enough life "clutter" to implement. Blessings, Jennifer



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